Palestinian flag raised at UN for first time

(VOVworld) - The Palestinian flag was raised at the United Nations on Wednesday for the first time.

Palestinian flag raised at UN for first time - ảnh 1
Palestinian flag was raised in the rose garden after President Abbas delivered a speech to the UN General Assembly. (Photo: Brian Chacon/Al Jazeera)

Speaking to attendees of the ceremony, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon described the event as a day of immense pride for Palestinians around the world and a day of hope.

Prior to the flag-raising ceremony, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas delivered a speech to the UN General Assembly in which he declared that Palestine has withdrawn from the Oslo Accord signed with Israel in 1993. Abbas accused Israel of repeatedly violating the agreement over the past 20 years, and insisted that Israel assume all of its responsibilities as an occupying power.

Palestinian flag raised at UN for first time - ảnh 2

Palestinians watch PA President Mahmoud Abbas' speech to the UNGA on a large screen in East Jerusalem, the site of several clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces in recent weeks (EPA)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said Mr. Abbas's speech was deceitful and encourages incitement and lawlessness in the Middle East", calling on the Palestinian Authority to enter into direct negotiations with Israel without preconditions.

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