Party leader pays tribute to President Ho Chi Minh

(VOVworld) – On the occasion of Vietnam’s 69th National Day and 45 years of implementing President Ho Chi Minh’s will, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong on Tuesday offered incense at the House No 67 in the President Ho Chi Minh relic site, where President Ho Chi Minh passed away on September 2, 1969.

Party leader pays tribute to President Ho Chi Minh  - ảnh 1
In his address, the Party leader reminded generations of Vietnamese people to promote heritage value that President Ho Chi Minh left behind for the Vietnamese Party, army and people:: “President Ho Chi Minh is a genius leader, a great teacher of the Vietnamese revolution and a beloved Uncle of Vietnamese people. The President left behind a heritage, which is an invaluable asset. The asset is seen in three aspects: Ho Chi Minh thought which features both morality and dignity, President Ho Chi Minh’s career which we need to continue, Ho Chi Minh era- a great era of the Vietnamese nation. It is our responsibility to preserve, protect and promote this invaluable asset and realize President Ho Chi Minh’s will".

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong highlighted the significance of the celebration of Vietnam’s National Day and 45 years of implementing President Ho Chi Minh’s will. The Party leader said President Ho Chi Minh's will is a special masterpiece in which each statement, each word embraces with wisdom, dignity, ideology and sentiment of President Ho Chi Minh. In a meeting with staff of the relic, the Party leader urged them to fulfill their tasks in further promoting President Ho Chi Minh’s bright example to international friends.

