Party leader visits General Department of Military Intelligence

(VOVWorld) – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has urged the General Department of Military Intelligence to stay highly alert and pay a due attention to strengthening national defense. During his working visit to the General Department on Saturday, Party leader Trong said that in peace time, the tasks for the intelligence agencies are even larger. He asked the party cell of the General Department to be an example and a role model in party building. Each intelligence officer needs to make constant efforts to fine-tune their morality and professionalism to stay loyal to the nation, party and people. Party leader Trong also emphasized on the political tasks for the intelligence officers. “It is the most important task for the military intelligence to uncover the plots of forces hostiled to Vietnam at an early stage. The strengthening of external political tasks helps to avoid unexpected strategies and cope with strategic situations. As the international situation remains complicated and fast-changing, intelligence agencies need to increase external intelligence information to be proactive and able to deal with complicated situations and develop relations with important partners,” said Party leader Trong.

On the occasion to mark 67th anniversary of the General Department of Military Intelligence, the Party General Secretary sent his best congratulations to all the generations of intelligence officers. He is confident that with the title of Hero of Armed Forces and other noble titles bestowed by the Party and State, the General Department of Military Intelligence under the Ministry of Defence will successfully accomplish all given tasks.

