PM highlights sincerity, trust and responsibility for better world at CSIS

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh delivered a presentation at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington D.C on Wednesday (local time) during his working visit to the US. 
PM highlights sincerity, trust and responsibility for better world at CSIS - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at CSIS. Photo: VOV

The Prime Minister said Vietnam appreciates the US’s continuous support for a strong and independent Vietnam over the past years. In 27 years since the two countries normalized relations, four consecutive US Presidents have visited Vietnam and left good impressions among the people of the two countries.

According to PM Chinh, in the context of profound, rapid and unpredictable changes in the international situation, both the Governments and academics need to strengthen coordination, exchange and sharing of ideas to build a better world together.

He emphasized that as an active and responsible member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the international community, Vietnam always strives to contribute to dialogue and cooperation, and is willing to play a proactive and active role in accordance with their potential and position.

“Vietnam adheres to the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation and development, diversification and multilateralization, being a good friend and reliable partner with countries around the world, and  responsible member of the international community. Vietnam has always shown sincerity, consistency and transparency in formulating and implementing that guideline. In a world full of turbulence, strategic competition and many choices, Vietnam does not choose to take sides but chooses justice, fairness, and righteousness on the basis of international law and the United Nations Charter, equality, mutual benefit, win-win. Vietnam is ready for dialogue and cooperation to handle differences and disagreements, and contribute to world peace, stability and development and at the same time ensures the harmonization of interests and adequately address the concerns of partners, countries and the international community.”

PM highlights sincerity, trust and responsibility for better world at CSIS - ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh says the relationship between Vietnam and the United States has developed strongly after nearly three decades of normalized relations. Photo: VOV
For the US, Prime Minister Chinh said that Vietnam always wishes to strengthen cooperation with the US on a basis of sincerity, continue to reinforce trust and enhance the responsibilities of both sides, for the common interests of the two countries’ people as well as for peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world.
“Sincerity, trust and responsibility are the keys for countries to resolve issues of disagreement and difference in a volatile world like today. Sincerity, trust and responsibility have also made important contributions to the strong development of Vietnam-US relations over the past nearly 30 years. I believe that these will also be the key factors to guide, promote and bring the comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and the United States to a new and more effective height in the coming years.”
He stressed the need for sincerity, trust, respect and continued responsibility in overcoming the war consequences, in order to heal the wounds of both peoples and foster the cooperation between the two countries to meet the aspirations and interests of their people, and contribute to peace and stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world. 
The Prime Minister said he believes that these will also be key factors in guiding, promoting, and bringing the comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and the US to a new height in the coming years.
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