Preliminary result of France's Parliamentary election

Preliminary result of France's Parliamentary election - ảnh 1
French President Francois Hollande holds Sunday newspapers (Photo:

(VOVworld) – President Francois Hollande’s Socialist Party and allies took the lead in the first round of France’s parliamentary election on Sunday. It partly eases fear about a risk of unharmonious “left-right cohabitation” in France’s new government. But people can’t be sure about anything in the second round because of the low rate of voter participation. The Socialist Party’s voting rate partly eases a concern that the President’s faction won’t have much power in Parliament. But French voters also did not hand the new President a “blank cheque” – a full power to decide everything. The Left Front did not get the high result despite contrary to expectations. Former presidential candidate Jean Luc Melenchon in this front conceded defeat during the campaign on the territories the National Front. However, many comments appreciated Melenchon’s fighting spirit as deciding a direct confrontation to reduce the influence of the extreme right. The low rate of voter participation in the first round of France’s parliament election showed an unpredictable future. Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault called for a big turnout in the second round in June 17.


