President Tran Dai Quang receives outgoing Saudi Arabian ambassador

(VOVWORLD) - President Tran Dai Quang hailed the strong growth of Vietnam-Saudi Arabia ties while receiving the outgoing Saudi Arabian ambassador Dakhil Allah Raja Al Johani in Hanoi on Thursday.
President Tran Dai Quang receives outgoing Saudi Arabian ambassador - ảnh 1President Tran Dai Quang (R) and Saudi Arabian ambassador Dakhil Allah Raja Al Johani

He expressed his hopes that both sides will continue the effective implementation of agreed contents reached at the 3rd intergovernmental committee’s meeting in November, 2016 in Riyadh, including boosting exchanges of government and business delegations and promoting bilateral trades.

President Quang praised Ambassador Johani’s contributions to enhancing the two countries’ multilateral relations and friendship, asking him to continue working to boost bilateral ties in whatever position he may hold in the future.

