President Truong Tan Sang meets NA female deputies

President Truong Tan Sang meets NA female deputies - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang and NA female deputies. (Photo: VNA)

President Truong Tan Sang has expressed his hope that NA female deputies’ desires coincide with the Party and Government’s target to turn Vietnam into a leading country in the region in gender equality index. At Thursday’s meeting in Hanoi with a number of representatives of NA female deputies, Mr. Sang said that voters nationwide want to see more active involvement of women in parliamentary activities and all aspects of life. He underlined the special role of female deputies in improving society’s awareness on gender equality. The 13th NA has 122 female deputies who said they will continue to pay attention to policies to narrow gender gap towards a real equality with a target that women will account for 30% in the NA’s next term.

