President Truong Tan Sang pays Tet visit to artists, intellectuals

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang on Wednesday paid Tet visits to the veteran writer Hoc Phi, People’s artist Bui Dinh Hac, and the President of the Vietnam Zoology, Doctor of Science Dang Huy Huynh.

President Truong Tan Sang pays Tet visit to artists, intellectuals - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang visits and sends Tet wishes to script writer Hoc Phi and his family. (Photo: Nguyen Khang/VNA)

He praised the important contributions of writers, artists, and scientists to the national science and arts. He said that in the context of international integration, Vietnamese young scientists and artists have succeeded the predecessor’s achievements and continuously modernized to develop an advanced culture imbued with national identity.

President Sang expressed his hope that each artist would make more contributions to building a stronger Party and a more prosperous nation. He said the government always created favorable conditions for artists and intellectuals to express their talents, adding that veteran artists and scientists should share their experience and passion with the younger generation to help them develop further.

