Revised constitution – key legal basis for external relations

Revised constitution – key legal basis for external relations  - ảnh 1
NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung (in the middle) and diplomats pose a photograph.
(VOVworld) - National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has underscored the special importance of the revised Constitution approved at the recent NA session.

At a meeting in Hanoi with ambassadors and heads of Vietnam’s representative agencies abroad, Mr. Hung said the Constitution will create a legal foundation for Vietnam’s new period of development and external relations. He urged the diplomatic sector to focus more on introducing the newly-amended Constitution to Vietnam’s international friends, and especially to overseas Vietnamese. He added that efforts should be made to strengthen cooperative ties between Vietnam’s NA and other countries’ legislative bodies.

Chairman Hung said the diplomatic sector should continue to implement tasks set in the Party’s 11th Congress resolution. These tasks include maintaining a peaceful environment favorable for development, firmly protecting the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and socialism, raising Vietnam’s prestige, and contributing to the world struggle for peace, national independence, democracy, and social progress.

