Russia pledges to transfer missile for Syria

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday affirmed that Russia will transfer Russian long range surface-to-air missile systems S 300 for Syria regime according to the contract signed by both parties.  At a TV interview on Rossiya 24, Lavrov stressed that Russia respects all contracts signed between the two sides and implements the contract duties. Lavrov said that Russia would prevent all demands Al Assad for the governments resignation at a peace conference scheduled to take place in Geneva, Switzerland. He also reiterated that Russia’s opposition to the establishment of a no-fly zone in Syria and the West’s plan to arm Syria opposition forces. Regarding Syria’s issue, US Secretary of State John Kerry disagreed with the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Martin Dempsey on attacking Syrian territory in a meeting of the White House. According to Bloomberg, Kerry strongly agreed on bombing military units of Syrian air forces since this is the place where chemical weapon against Syrian opposition forces was found. Meanwhile, Dempsey warned about the danger of those measures.

