Russia threatens to "break out" western anti-missile defense

Moscow will create a system to overcome and suppress any anti-missile defense so as to ensure real security.

Russia threatens to
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin (Photo: Internet)

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin told a local radio station that their main task is to create a real guarantee of security for the Russian Federation by arming the Russian forces with equipment capable to counter any attempts to offset the strategic balance. Rogozin, who is in charge of technical provisions of the airspace defense, said Russia is considering two ways of implementing such task: to create the defensive systems capable of intercepting incoming missiles or to upgrade its own first-strike nuclear forces so as to overcome any anti-missile umbrella. Rogozin also warned that Russia stood against militarization of the space but had everything in hand to "give an adequate response " to any attacks from the space.

