Second batch of fresh sugarcane to be ship to US

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam will soon export the second batch of 18 tonnes of fresh sugarcane to the US market. In March, the first batch of 20 tonnes of fresh sugarcane from the northern province of Hoa Binh was delivered to the US.
Second batch of fresh sugarcane to be ship to US - ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo:

Experts said that the product can bring high economic value and has huge potential for exports. 

Vietnam planned to ship up to 500 tonnes of fresh sugarcane abroad this year. 

Hoa Binh first exported fresh sugarcane to Japan in 2020 with 5.7 tonnes and the volume rose to 300 tonnes in 2022, with orders from demanding markets such as South Korea, the UK and the EU.

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