Seminar on reducing green-house gas emissions in rice cultivation

(VOVworld) – Scientists discussed rice cultivation models that might reduce green-house gas emissions and boost economic efficiency in the Mekong Delta region at a seminar that opened on Tuesday in Hau Giang province.

Seminar on reducing green-house gas emissions in rice cultivation - ảnh 1
The Mekong Delta province of Soc Trang applies a water-saving model in rice cultivation to reduce green-house gas emissions. (Photo:

Dr. Phan Huy Thong, Director of the National Centre for Agriculture Extension, said the seminar was a great venue for managers, scientists, and farmers to share their experience and discuss advantages and disadvantages in rice cultivation, in order to devise appropriate future development plans. Thong said:“We’d like to provide farmers with information on the latest research results and models that could help them cut their costs and reduce green-house gas emissions in rice cultivation. This seminar is an opportunity for farmers to voice their concerns for central and local management agencies and scientists to provide them timely support.

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