Spain has first coalition government in decades

(VOVWORLD) - Pedro Sanchez was sworn in as prime minister on Wednesday becoming head of Spain's first coalition government since 1975.

Spain has first coalition government in decades - ảnh 1Spain's reelected prime minister Pedro Sanchez (R) talks with Spain's King Felipe VI, after taking the oath of office during a swearing-in ceremony at the Zarzuela Palace in Madrid on January 8, 2020. (Photo: AFP)

He took the oath before King Felipe VI a day after being confirmed in parliament and will take office as head of a minority coalition government with the radical left wing Podemos.

In a brief televised appearance at the Zarzuela Palace, Sanchez swore to uphold the constitution. He will now focus on consolidating his government, with the line-up to be announced next week, party sources said.

