Standing Committee reviews first NA meeting, prepares for next session

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee began 2 two-day meeting on Tuesday to review the first NA plenary session and discuss preparations for the upcoming session.

Standing Committee reviews first NA meeting, prepares for next session  - ảnh 1NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue addresses the National Assembly Standing Committee meeting on August 17, 2021.   (Photo: VNA)

The meeting chaired by NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue will also debate the draft revised Law on Emulation and Reward and the formation of two teams to oversee the Laws on Citizen Reception and the Law on Settlement of Complaints and Denunciations.

Lawmakers will give their opinions on the response to voters’ petitions, the outcomes of citizen reception activities, receiving and handling of complaints, and supervision of the work.

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