Syria’s security headquarters bombed

Syrian Defense Minister General Daoud Rajha, his Deputy Assef Shawkat, and Interior Minister Mohamad Shaar were killed in a suicide bombing in Damascus on Wednesday that targeted National Security headquarters.

Syria’s security headquarters bombed - ảnh 1
Syria’s security headquarters bombed (Photo: Internet)

The bombing occurred in the heavily guarded district of Rawda as battles between government forces and the Free Syrian Army raged for the fourth consecutive day. Two groups claimed responsibility for the bombing. An Islamic rebel group called Liwa al-Islam, in a statement on the Internet, said the attack targeted a crisis control room. A Free Syrian Army spokesman said this is the volcano they talked about and it is just a starting point. The rebels have launched a full-scale attack operation dubbed “the Damascus volcano and earthquakes of Syria”, in which the level of violence will escalate.

