Tripoli under air strike

(VOVworld) – Libyan news sources on Monday said that an air strike had been conducted against armed forces from Misrata, who are clashing with its opposition group, in order to take control of Tripoli.

Tripoli under air strike  - ảnh 1
Libyan senior military officer Major General Khalifa Haftar

An air commander from the Libyan senior military officer, Major General Khalifa Haftar, said that pro-Haftar forces had conducted the strike, but another air force unit, which was not involved in Haftar’s campaign in Benghazi, denied the information, saying that the air strike had been conducted by foreign forces.
A government statement said that it has carried out an investigation into the air strike and called for talks on a cease-fire and withdrawing troops from Tripoli and other towns.
Marie Harf, a spokesperson for the US State Department, denied a rumour that the US had been involved in the incident. She said that the US was collecting information which had not yet been concluded. France also dismissed allegations of its involvement in the air strike. The French Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that France’s priority was a political agreement to end clashes in Libya.

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