UN calls for an end to violence in cyberspace

(VOVWORLD) - United Nations Chief Antonio Guterres has called on the international community to step up actions to end violence in cyberspace and strengthen social cohesion.

UN calls for an end to violence in cyberspace - ảnh 1United Nations Chief Antonio Guterres (Photo: AP/Khalil Senosi)
Addressing the UN Security Council conference in New York on Wednesday, Guterres said hatred, especially in cyberspace, is the cause of division, radicalization, and increasing crime.

He warned that this is a danger to the whole society, requiring the responsibility of the entire community.

Guterres called for greater efforts towards multi-ethnic societies and increased investment in social cohesion and underscored the need to ensure quality education everywhere, for everyone, including women and children, develop an education system based on the respect for science and the diversity of all people. This means to step up investment in education, build peace and solidarity around the world.

According to Guterres, the UN is working to implement the Global Digital Compact, part of the United Nations Common Agenda based on commitments to non-discrimination, for a digital future that is open, free, comprehensive, and safe for everyone.

