UN, EU urge Israel for restraint while searching for abducted teens

(VOVworld) - The UN’s Human Rights office and the European Union urged Israel and relevant parties to exercise restraint amid a crackdown on Palestinians during a search for three Jewish teenagers who were kidnapped in the West Bank.

UN, EU urge Israel for restraint while searching for abducted teens - ảnh 1
Hundreds of Israeli troops were deployed around the city of Hebron on Saturday (photo: Reuters)

UN Human Rights office spokesman Rupert Colville said on Saturday “clearly these boys need to be found, that’s totally understandable, but the scale of operations and the number of people they are affecting is deeply disturbing”. He reiterated the UN’s call for strict adherence to international law by all relevant actors and join others in their call for restraint.  

The EU issued a similar call for Israel to use proportionate means only to bring about the return of the abductees, but at the same time reiterated its condemnation of the kidnapping and its call for the teens’ immediate release and safe return to their families.

