Unconvinced by Macron's promises, Yellow Vests keep up the pressure

(VOVWORLD) - Tens of thousands of Yellow Vest protesters took to the streets for a 24th consecutive Saturday, with many saying the proposals French President Emmanuel Macron announced this week don't go far enough to address the plight of struggling workers.

Unconvinced by Macron's promises, Yellow Vests keep up the pressure - ảnh 1

The police are deployed to prevent Yellow Vest protesters in Paris on April 20

(Photo: AFP/ VNA)

President Emmanuel Macron's plans for tax cuts, higher pensions and reform of the civil service have failed to satisfy yellow vest protesters.

French police fired tear gas to push back protesters who tried to march towards the European Parliament building in the eastern city of Strasbourg. By Saturday afternoon, the interior ministry said about 5,500 people had taken to the streets across France. Of these, some 2,600 were in Paris. According to police in Paris, 8,900 preventive checks were carried out in the capital and 11 arrests were made.

