US arrested suspected al-Qaeda supporter

(VOVworld) -  US police have arrested a 20-year-old Nicholas Teausant in Washington on a charge of attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, according to the Department of Justice.

US arrested suspected al-Qaeda supporter - ảnh 1
20-year-old Nicholas Teausant, a suspected al-Qaeda supporter

Teausant travelled to the Canadian border with the intention of continuing on to Syria to join an al Qaeda splinter group, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. According to the FBI, Teausant used the Instagram app, and other social networks, to connect with Islamic extremists, calling for a violent jihad leading to America’s collapse. Teausant spent 6 months detailing his ideas to bomb several public places in the US, including the underground railway system in Los Angeles.

Nhat Quynh – Huy Hoang, VOV in Washington

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