US launches investigation into execution of American journalist

(VOVworld) – The Islamic State (IS)’s execution of American journalist James Foley has shocked the international community.

US launches investigation into execution of American journalist - ảnh 1
Late American journalist James Foley.

US Attorney General Eric Holder said the US Department of Justice will conduct a criminal investigation into the death of Foley. The Pentagon said it is considering sending 300 military advisors to Iraq to strengthen the security of US diplomatic offices there. It would be the US’s third supplement, raising the number of US military advisors, security officers, and marines in Iraq to 1,150.
The EU on Thursday strongly condemned the IS’s killing of Foley, saying the gruesome execution violated all human rights and values. The EU said it supports international efforts in the fight against terrorism. Interpol also denounced the IS’s action and called on the international community to work together to deal with threats from Islamic extremists.

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