Vice President attends 4th patriotic emulation congress of the social insurance sector

(VOVworld) – The 4th patriotic emulation congress of the social insurance sector opened in Hanoi on Tuesday.


Vice President attends 4th patriotic emulation congress of the social insurance sector - ảnh 1

In her address, Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan, Vice President of the National Council for Emulation and Rewards, said that social and medical insurance are important social policies and the main pillars of the social security system. She also praised the sector’s directions for emulation and rewards for the next 5 years.


Vice President attends 4th patriotic emulation congress of the social insurance sector - ảnh 2

The Vice President conferred the Labor Order and the Prime Minister’s Certificate of Merit on a number of collectives and individuals for their outstanding performance from 2010 to 2014.

