Vietnam and Bulgaria head towards strategic partnership

Vietnam and Bulgaria head towards strategic partnership - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) - Vietnam and Bulgaria aim to strengthen bilateral relations in all areas towards a strategic partnership. During talks in Sofia on Thursday, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and his Bulgarian counterpart Boico Borisov agreed to promote economic and trade cooperation. Vietnam praised Bulgaria’s decision to enlist Vietnam as an ODA recipient partner and welcomed Bulgaria’s investment in Vietnam. Prime Minister Borisov supported early finalization of a framework agreement on Vietnam and EU comprehensive cooperation and partnership as well as a free trade agreement between Vietnam and the EU. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung told the press after talks: “We have discussed issues of mutual concern and agreed on the importance of peace, cooperation and development. Regarding the East Sea issue, we agreed that related parties must comply with international law and regional commitments, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and early conclusion of the Code of Conducts for Parties in the East Sea, refrain from conflict expansion and promote cooperation for peace, stability, security, navigation and aviation safety and freedom in the East Sea for regional and world interests.”

The two Prime Ministers witnessed the signing of cooperative agreements on crime prevention and justice, as well as cooperation between Ho Chi Minh and Can Tho Cities with Sofia and Ruse.

