Vietnam calls on Israel, Palestine to pave the way for peace restoration

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam welcomed recent dialogues and meetings between officials of the Israeli Government and the Palestinian Authority, describing them as active steps towards promoting mutual trust and paving way for dialogues and negotiations, said Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN. 
Vietnam calls on Israel, Palestine to pave the way for peace restoration  - ảnh 1 Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN (Photo: VNA) 

Addressing Tuesday’s UN Security Council’s open debate on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue, he said Vietnam applauds international efforts to create a favorable environment for cooperation activities.
The Vietnamese Ambassador expressed his concern over continuous violence, causing many fatalities and injuries to Palestinians, especially children, calling on Israel to put an end to violence against civilians, and conduct objective, quick investigations into all attacks on Palestinians.

He noted his concern over recent reports about the continued implementation of settlement projects in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, saying such activities are illegal under international law, and would weaken prospects of  a two-state solution.

The diplomat urged parties involved to further facilitate humanitarian and post-conflict reconstruction activities in the Gaza Strip, and called for relaxation of restrictions on the transport of commercial goods, construction materials and humanitarian aid to Gaza, towards the full removal of blockage in the area.

Vietnam supports for Palestinians’ just struggle for justice and the two-state solution, Mr. Quy said.

