Vietnam, Cambodia have huge potential for economic ties

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his Cambodian counterpart Hun Manet attended the Vietnam-Cambodia Trade and Investment Promotion Forum held in Hanoi on Tuesday as part of the latter’s official visit to Vietnam.
Vietnam, Cambodia have huge potential for economic ties  - ảnh 1PM Pham Minh Chinh and PM Hun Manet at the Vietnam-Cambodia Trade and Investment Promotion Forum, Hanoi, December 12, 2023.

Prime Minister Chinh said that ample room remains for Vietnam and Cambodia to boost their economic and trade ties.

He suggested businesses and the Governments of the two countries strengthen connectivity and complementarity between the two economies, focusing on institutions, finance, transport infrastructure, electricity, telecommunications, and tourism.

PM Hun Manet expressed his belief that following his visit, bilateral relations will grow stronger, including cooperation in investment and services, and trade.

He said that Vietnam's registered investment capital to Cambodia has reached more than 2.9 billion USD and many Vietnamese projects are operating fruitfully, contributing to local socio-economic development.

Vietnam is the second biggest source of tourists to Cambodia, while more than 320,000 Cambodians have come to Vietnam, he said. 

He shared PM Chinh’s view that the two countries have huge potential to boost their economic ties as both join such cooperation mechanisms as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, and many of their economic areas are reciprocal.

