Vietnam committed to sustainable development

(VOVworld) - Vietnam attaches great importance to realizing its sustainable development goals which build upon the UN Millennium Development Goals, said Ambassador Le Hoai Trung.

Vietnam committed to sustainable development - ảnh 1
Ambassador of Vietnam to the United Nations Le Hoai Trung (Photo: VOV)

Trung told a UN seminar in New York on Thursday that it is essential for the UN to analyse and examine economic implications on social affairs in order to come up with the most effective objectives in order to achieve sustainable development. Experts and scholars agreed that economic analysis was of great importance to the process of identifying the necessary measures to realize the development goals. They said that because these goals address the global challenge in three pillars – economics, social affairs and the environment, it was necessary to adopt an overall approach and evaluate it from different angles, such as the social and environment impact, alongside any economic analysis.

