Vietnam is one of potential markets for branded residences

(VOVWORLD) -  Vietnam is among the four markets with potential growth in branded residences segment, according to a global Savills report.
Vietnam is one of potential markets for branded residences - ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo:

Branded residences, as a property sector, have proved to be incredibly resilient in the face of global uncertainty and change. The sector has not only survived the disturbance but continues to thrive. Over the past 10 years, it has grown by over 150%, Savills reported. 

Savills Branded Residences shows that Dubai, South Florida, and New York are the top three locations for branded residences globally this year, based on their supply of completed and pipeline schemes. 

By volume of pipeline, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, and Mexico are forecast to add the largest number of schemes – more than 30 in each country, in the future.

Vietnam is leisure and business destination, and both tap into a wide range of international demand. The high net-worth individual (HNWI) population in Vietnam has expanded by 86% in the last five years. The burgeoning middle- and upper-classes in the country also present further potential for branded residences.

