Vietnam Physician Day celebrated

(VOVworld) – Localities nationwide are celebrating the 58th Vietnam Physician Day on February 27th.    

The Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union on Sunday opened a photo exhibition about health workers, including photos of Uncle Ho working with physicians, a letter President Ho Chi Minh wrote to health workers, and the biography of Doctor Pham Ngoc Thach, a former Health Minister who made a giant contribution to healthcare development in Vietnam.

Vietnam Physician Day celebrated - ảnh 1
A photo of President Ho Chi Minh greeting physicians (Photo:

The exhibition also profiles 20 outstanding young doctors who will receive the Pham Ngoc Thach Award 2013. Organizers introduced a movement to encourage young doctors to follow President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings and improve themselves in ethical conduct and professional training. The exhibition will continue until March 3rd.

The same day in the northern province of Hung Yen people burned incense to commemorate the 222nd death anniversary of great physician Hai Thuong Lan Ong – called Le Huu Trac. The memorial is held annually on the 15th day of the first lunar month to pay tribute to Le Huu Trac for laying the foundation of Vietnam’s healthcare sector and being an example of medical ethics and skill.

