Vietnam, Switzerland strengthen cooperation

Vietnam, Switzerland strengthen cooperation - ảnh 1
Deputy PM Nguyen Thien Nhan holds talks with Swiss Economy Minister Johann Schneider Ammann in Bern (Photo: VGP-Tu Luong)
Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan on Friday continued his working visit in Switzerland by making a fact-finding tour of several businesses in Basel city. Nhan and the Vietnamese delegation visited the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche, the Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, and the Tropical and Public Health Institute. Yesterday, at a meeting with Swiss Economy Minister Johann Schneider Ammann in Bern, Nhan said Switzerland is an important economic partner of Vietnam in Europe. He used the occasion to ask the Swiss Government to encourage its businesses to invest in Vietnam, especially in chemicals, pharmacy, finance-banking, insurance, clock making, and electro-mechanics, where Switzerland is a hard rival to beat. He also called on Switzerland to help Vietnam train high-quality professionals for the finance, banking, tourism and drug administration sectors. In reply, Minister Johann Schneider Ammann talked about his visit to Vietnam next year, mentioning the companion of outstanding Swiss businesses operating in banking, finance and tourism. The same day, Deputy Prime Minister Nhan met with Swiss Interior Minister in charge of healthcare, education, research and culture Alain Berset. The two sides discussed measures to further boost bilateral cooperation in healthcare, pharmacy, science and technology, social affairs, employment and tourism. The Vietnamese delegation held working sessions with Swissmedic in Bern.

