Vietnam, UN work closely to realize SDGs

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received United Nations Resident Coordinator in Vietnam Pauline Tamesis in Hanoi on Tuesday, on the occasion of the 78th founding anniversary of the UN.
Vietnam, UN work closely to realize SDGs - ảnh 1At the meeting (Photo: VOV)

The Government leader affirmed Vietnam's strong and consistent support for multilateralism with the UN playing the central role and with global, comprehensive, and all-encompassing solutions that advocate dialogue and cooperation, promote international solidarity, adhere to the UN Charter and international law, and place people at the center.

Vietnam is ready to share its experiences, actively contribute more to the UN’s common work and the settlement of major global issues for the sake of peace, security, cooperation, and sustainable development worldwide. 

Chinh said to contribute to global food security, Vietnam can export around 7.5 million tons of rice this year, and is actively participating in the implementation of the UN Secretary-General's initiative on sustainable food systems transformation.

Vietnam always treasures and listens to policy advice from UN organizations so as to perfect regulations, train human resources, and improve the national governance capacity, he affirmed, calling on the organizations to continue giving advice.

He said the Government will push ahead with and provide the best possible conditions for the UN’s cooperation programs and projects to be carried out fruitfully.

The UN Resident Coordinator and chief representatives of UN organizations applauded Vietnam’s proactiveness, dynamism, and active contributions to the UN as well as common works of the international community, especially food security safeguarding and peacekeeping.

They highly valued the country’s orientations, commitments, efforts, and development achievements over more than 35 years of reforms, particularly in the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals, social security ensuring, COVID-19 combat, post-pandemic socio-economic recovery and development.

They gave some recommendations and cooperation proposals while affirming the commitment to stronger and more effective cooperation with Vietnam.

