Vietnamese people encouraged to use made-in-Vietnam products

(VOVworld) - President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan has urged for greater efforts to encourage Vietnamese people to use made-in-Vietnam products.

Vietnamese people encouraged to use made-in-Vietnam products - ảnh 1
VFF President Nguyen Thien Nhan, speaking at the conference on April 10 (Photo: VGP)

While chairing a conference of the Steering Committee of the campaign “Vietnamese people prioritize Vietnamese goods” on Monday, Mr. Nhan requested more high-quality Vietnamese products at reasonable prices that can compete well with imported goods, thus promoting domestic consumption.
The Steering Committee was tasked to honor businesses whose products are most appreciated by customers, and help prevent trade fraud in order to promote authentic Vietnamese goods. This year, focus will be placed on advertising made-in-Vietnam medicine and developing distribution channels for Vietnam’s agricultural products.
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