West asks UN to investigate Iran ballistic missile test

(VOVworld)- Britain, France, Germany and the United States have asked a UN sanctions committee to investigate Iran's recent missile test, branding it a serious violation of UN resolutions.
West asks UN to investigate Iran ballistic missile test - ảnh 1
A resolution adopted in 2010 prohibits Tehran from conducting launches of ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons [EPA]

US Ambassador Samantha Power last week said that Washington had concluded that a medium-range ballistic missile launched on October 10 was capable of delivering a nuclear weapon. At a meeting of the Security Council on Wednesday, the US joined by the three European countries presented a report on the missile launch and said the sanctions committee should take "appropriate action." A resolution adopted in 2010 prohibits Tehran from conducting launches of ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons. In a formal letter to the committee, the four nations said: "The launch of this missile clearly constitutes 'activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons' and is a 'launch using ballistic missile technology'". Al Jazeera's Kristen Saloomey said that the Security Council would need to vote unanimously for the committee to carry out any investigations.

