A Japanese friend of Vietnam

(VOVworld) - “I want to write about Nguyen Thi Binh, a typical woman of Vietnam, about Vietnam’s land and especially Vietnam’s war and things behind it”. That was what Japanese Hiramatsu Tomoko who took part in anti-war movement in Vietnam and always supports this country said. Our reporter Anh Huyen has the story about this Japanese friend of Vietnam.

With her great admiration to Nguyen Thi Binh, former State Vice President and Foreign Minister of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam. She played a major role in the signing of Paris Peace Accord on Vietnam, an agreement that was supposed to end the war and restore peace in Vietnam in 1972. Japanese writer Hiramatsu Tomoko had long nurtured a dream to write a book about Nguyen Thi Binh, a women that changes the world and since then she had taken part in many practical activities to support Vietnam.

Writer and journalist Hiramatsu Tomoko was born in 1941 and is the author of many contemporary literature and journalism works. She has witnessed and taken part in many anti- Vietnam war demonstrations in Japan. Taking part in large-scale anti-war demonstrations in Japan then, Tomoko had great impression on the war in Vietnam and developed special feeling for Vietnamese people. Hiramatsu Tomoko was especially impressed at a Vietnamese woman at the Paris Conference in 1969: "I had a strong emotion about Vietnamese people. A woman on behalf of a heroic nation negotiated the peace issue for Vietnam. That image made me think that Vietnam will certainly win the US".

Many years after that, she still held a dream to write about that woman, but there was little reference document about Nguyen Thi Binh at that time. Until 2005, Hiramatsu Tomoko had chance to visit Vietnam for the first time with the support of the Vietnam – Japan Friendship and Peace Association and she managed to meet her real character to make her dream come true: "It’s great honor for me to manage to meet the Vietnam’s typical woman. I have met Ms. Binh three times and each time leaves me deep impression. My book about Ms. Binh has been quoted by Japan’s biggest newspapers, thus to some extent, creating attraction to Japanese people".

Hiramatsu Tomoko’s 300-page book portrays Ms. Nguyen Thi Binh and her great contribution to Vietnamese revolution. The book also touches upon Vietnamese Agent Orange victims and the aftermaths that Vietnamese people have to suffer from in the US war. Over the past years, HIramatsu Tomoko has actively participated in cultural exchange activities between the two countries as well as mobilizing scholarships from Japan to Vietnamese students in the disadvantaged areas. She shared with us after her recent visit to the center for Agent Orange victims in Thai Binh province: " I will go to more mountainous and remote areas of Vietnam to write about life there. For Japanese people, the US war in Vietnam especially the spraying of the toxic substances on this land is absurd and nonsensical. I hope that the land that I love will continue in their struggle for justice of the Agent Orange victims".

A Japanese friend of Vietnam - ảnh 1

The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations last year conferred Hiramatsu Tomoko with the “For Peace and Friendship Among Nations” insignia for her great contribution to Vietnamese people.


