Earth hour campaign 2025: Green transition for Green Future

(VOVWORLD) - With the message "Green Transition - Green Future," Earth Hour 2025 takes place from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday. The event aims to uphold the spirit of solidarity for a greener planet. Multiple activities are taking place across provinces and cities, drawing active participation from the public.
Earth hour campaign 2025: Green transition for Green Future - ảnh 1With the message “Green transition - Green future”, Earth Hour 2025 takes place from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on March 22. (Photo: Organizing Committee)

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has launched the national energy-saving movement and the Energy Saving Run, drawing nearly 2,000 participants.

The participants said: 

“I find this year’s Earth Hour message very meaningful and timely as the world faces climate change and natural disasters. Green transition is the key to a green future. We can contribute by saving energy.”

“I’m excited to join the Energy Saving Run organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.”

“Our planet is experiencing significant climate change. I participated in the run to show support for energy-saving efforts and green transition.”

Earth hour campaign 2025: Green transition for Green Future - ảnh 2Mr. Nguyen Hoang Long, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, speaks at the launching ceremony of the national campaign to save energy and the Earth Hour 2025 run. (Photo: VOV)

In response to Earth Hour 2025, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has organized multiple activities throughout March, including online contest on energy-saving knowledge, a communication contest on electricity-saving, and  the Press Award for energy-saving and efficiency.

Nguyen Hoang Long, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, said: "Using energy efficiently plays a crucial role in the sustainable development of our national power system and contributes significantly to energy security. Launching this movement in response to Earth Hour is essential not only for individuals but also for the business community."

Earth hour campaign 2025: Green transition for Green Future - ảnh 3Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hoang Long and people participate in the Earth Hour 2025 run. (Photo: VOV)

In Binh Duong, several activities have been implemented in response to Earth Hour, such as "25 Seconds to Turn Off the Engine" program, leaflet distribution, hanging banners, flashmob dance competition themed "Green Jump – Join Hands to Save Energy", running competition, English-speaking contest on environmental protection, "Lights-Off Night, and a cycling event.

"The cycling event sends a message to everyone about adopting a healthy lifestyle and saving electricity. I hope to join more programs like this," said a participant at the cycling event.

"I want to spread the message that small actions—such as saving energy, reducing plastic waste, and using green energy—can help build a sustainable future and protect the environment," another environment enthusiast said.

In Da Nang, several activities took place in response to Earth Hour 2025, including rallies and parades, mobile communications campaigns on saving electricity, and an online contest "Learn About Energy Saving in Response to Earth Hour 2025."

This year marks Vietnam’s 16th participation in Earth Hour. Vo Quang Lam, Deputy General Director of Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN), said: "Over the past 16 years, public awareness of energy efficiency has greatly improved. This is evident in better energy-use intensity and electricity consumption trends. Even small behavioral changes help the power system operate more stably, safely, and efficiently."

Earth Hour represents a strong commitment to green transition, eco-friendly lifestyles, and sustainable consumption which calls on the public to take practical action for a greener future and sustainable development.

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