USAID supports humanitarian activities in Vietnam

USAID supports humanitarian activities in Vietnam

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam Red Cross held a ceremony this week to announce a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to improve disaster risk management at...
Supporting new rural development in Dong Nai

Supporting new rural development in Dong Nai

(VOVworld) – Dong Nai province’s fund to support farmers has helped many local households escape poverty over the past 20 years. At present, this fund is contributing to the...
Scholarships support children of naval soldiers

Scholarships support children of naval soldiers

(VOVworld) – Children of naval soldiers who have achieved outstanding academic results were given scholarships at a ceremony Sunday in Hai Phong as part of the “Jointly safeguarding Vietnam’s sovereignty...
Crop restructuring reduces poverty in Bac Kan

Crop restructuring reduces poverty in Bac Kan

(VOVworld) – In recent years, farmers in Bac Kan province have paid much attention to developing fruit orchards, with priority given to growing oranges and mandarins, fruits famous for being sweet and succulent...
War veteran Phan The Nghiep

War veteran Phan The Nghiep

(VOVworld) – Colonel Phan The Nghiep is former Director of Military Hospital 115. For years the retired doctor has been providing free medical check-ups and medicine to the poor in ward 15,...