NA Vice Chairman meets with IPU Secretary General

NA Vice Chairman meets with IPU Secretary General

(VOVWORLD) - National Assembly Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong has praised the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)’s Secretariat and IPU Secretary General Martin Chungong for supporting Vietnam's participation in IPU...
Wednesday March 6, 2024

Wednesday March 6, 2024

(VOVWORLD) - We were very happy to receive congratulations from our listeners for International Women’s Day on Friday. It’s a day to celebrate women – mothers, wives, sisters, friends, and many...
Vietnamese goods sought after in domestic market

Vietnamese goods sought after in domestic market

(VOVWORLD) -Thanks to international economic integration, imported goods with famous brands are no longer unfamiliar to Vietnamese. But domestic goods are increasingly dominating the market because of higher quality, better design...
Way to de-escalate conflict in Gaza unclear

Way to de-escalate conflict in Gaza unclear

(VOVWORLD) -Hopes for a lasting ceasefire between Israel and Hamas faded last week after diplomatic efforts deadlocked. Fears of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza intensified when the Israeli army announced...