French Prime Minister begins Vietnam visit

French Prime Minister begins Vietnam visit

(VOVWORLD) - French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on Friday began a three-day official visit to Vietnam to boost the bilateral strategic partnership and expand opportunities for businesses in both countries...
Medicinal herbs of the Dao people

Medicinal herbs of the Dao people

(VOVWORLD) -The knowledge of traditional therapeutic medicine was developed in Vietnam thousands of years ago, along with experience gained in using natural resources for survival. In spite of the progress...
The Vietnam war stories of American veterans

The Vietnam war stories of American veterans

(VOVWORLD) - More than 40 years after the end of the Vietnam War, some aging American war veterans have returned to Vietnam to see the country’s progress. VOV interviewed 3...
Washington’s scheme to leave INF

Washington’s scheme to leave INF

(VOVWORLD) - After 3 decades, the US-Russian Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty could end. US President Donald Trump há unilaterally announced he intends to withdraw. The world is worried...
45 years of Vietnam-Japan ties

45 years of Vietnam-Japan ties

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam and Japan will celebrate 45 years of diplomatic ties on Friday. In those 45 years, the two countries have become important partners. Since they upgraded their relationship to extensive strategic partnership...
Embroidery Art Museum in Hue

Embroidery Art Museum in Hue

(VOVWORLD) - The XQ Embroidery Art Museum in Hue city attracts both tourists and artists. The museum offers visitors a chance to explore and experience traditional Vietnamese embroidery craft
War veteran keeps legendary Truong Son stick

War veteran keeps legendary Truong Son stick

(VOVWORLD) - The Truong Son stick was considered a symbol of the will and patriotism of Vietnamese soldiers during the resistance war against the US. The idea of the Truong Son walking stick came from...
Wednesday July 11, 2018

Wednesday July 11, 2018

(VOVWORLD) -We’re glad to welcome Albert E Ford of England back to VOV’s DX’er community. He told us that he has been a radio enthusiast since the early...