CPI increase lowest since 2016

CPI increase lowest since 2016

(VOVWORLD) - The consumer price index (CPI) increased by 1.64 per cent in the January-July period, the lowest rate since 2016, according to the General Statistics Office (GSO)
On the sidelines at the Tokyo Olympics

On the sidelines at the Tokyo Olympics

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese athletes begin competing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games on July 23. The Tokyo 2020 Olympics will take place from July 23 to August 8. The Olympics is the largest...
Quang Ninh continues to lead in administrative reform

Quang Ninh continues to lead in administrative reform

(VOVWORLD) - 2020 was the first year Quang Ninh topped four rankings: Public Administration Reform (PAR), Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI), Satisfaction Index of Public Administrative Services (SIPAS), and Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI)....