China sanctions 11 Americans

China sanctions 11 Americans

(VOVWORLD) - China has said it will sanction 11 Americans in retaliation for similar measures imposed by the US on Friday
Consequences of US-China tensions

Consequences of US-China tensions

(VOVWORLD) - China-US relations have plunged to the lowest point since US President Richard Nixon took the key step of normalizing the relationship in 1972. Tit-for-tat retaliations have...
Wednesday June 17, 2020

Wednesday June 17, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - How are you, dear listeners? We hope you are all safe and sound and that the COVID-19 pandemic in your country has been contained
Discrimination protests spread outside US

Discrimination protests spread outside US

(VOVWORLD) - The world community is focused on the United States, where mass protests are taking place across the nation, triggered by the death of an unarmed black man while in police custody...
Trump relaunches campaign with vaccine promise

Trump relaunches campaign with vaccine promise

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump relaunched his election campaign on Sunday, with a live television event inside the iconic Lincoln Memorial, promising a coronavirus vaccine and urging Americans to put the pandemic...
US steps up Covid-19 therapy development

US steps up Covid-19 therapy development

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump said Sunday that the country is stepping up the development of treatments for Covid-19 patients, including experimenting with an antimalarial drug and a blood...
US now has most Covid-19 cases

US now has most Covid-19 cases

(VOVWORLD) - Confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US reached more than 82,000 on Thursday, surpassing China and Italy and making the US the nation with the most novel...
US cuts aid to Afghanistan by 1 billion USD

US cuts aid to Afghanistan by 1 billion USD

(VOVWORLD) - The Trump administration is slashing 1 billion USD in assistance to Afghanistan and threatening further reductions in all forms of cooperation after the country's rival leaders failed to...