Shinzo Abe cabinet support rate hikes

Shinzo Abe cabinet support rate hikes

(VOVWORLD) -Public support for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet rose 1.9 percentage points to 38.9 percent this month, despite a cronyism scandal, a Kyodo News poll indicated...
Developing social institutions for workers

Developing social institutions for workers

(VOVworld) – Vietnam now has nearly 300 industrial zones that employ about 2.8 million workers. A survey by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor shows that the lives of these...
NLD wins 77% seats in Myanmar election

NLD wins 77% seats in Myanmar election

(VOVworld)- Myanmar’s opposition party National League for Democracy (NLD), led by Aung San Suu Kyi, has won 880 parliamentary seats (77.3 percent) out of a total of 1,139...
Lung Cu flag tower

Lung Cu flag tower

(VOVworld) - Visiting the northwest without climbing Lung Cu peak? No one would believe it. At the top of 1,700 meters-high Lung Cu peak is tower flying the Vietnamese national...
New way to boost Middle East peace process

New way to boost Middle East peace process

(VOVworld)- The French Parliament has recently adopted a resolution recognizing Palestine as an independent nation. After Sweden, the UK, Ireland, and Spain, France became the fifth European country to support Palestine in...
VFF wraps up its 8th National Congress

VFF wraps up its 8th National Congress

(VOVworld)- The Vietnam Fatherland Front wrapped up its 8th National Congress in Hanoi on Saturday. At the closing session, the Congress announced the list of the Central Committee, the Presidium,...