Wednesday November 27, 2013

Wednesday November 27, 2013

(VOVworld) - To begin this week’s Letter Box, I’d like to welcome new listener Andy Chang of Davis, California, in the US
Engineer Tran Kim Tien: innovation in daily work

Engineer Tran Kim Tien: innovation in daily work

(VOVworld) – An employee of the Repair Workshop of the Ha Bac Fertilizer and Chemical Company for nearly 20 years, engineer Tran Kim Tien has contributed many technical innovations which have...
 Boston bombing suspect may face death penalty

Boston bombing suspect may face death penalty

The surviving Boston bombing suspect could face the death penalty after being charged by US officials on Monday. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19 years old, is accused of using a weapon of mass...
Violence continues in Syria

Violence continues in Syria

Violence continued yesterday/ on Friday in Syria and claimed the lives of at least 20 people, as the international community is mulling over sending more observers to monitor the tenuous cease...