Behind the so-called “patriotism” of student Nguyen Phuong Uyen

(VOVworld) - Some foreign media have distorted information relating to law violator Nguyen Phuong Uyen, a student at Ho Chi Minh city’s University of Food Industry. VOV brings to light the truth behind the so-called “patriotism” of student Nguyen Phuong Uyen.


Behind the so-called “patriotism” of student Nguyen Phuong Uyen - ảnh 1
The press conference on the case

On October 19th, the Long An provincial Investigation Police filed criminal charges, issued a 4-month arrest warrant, and indicted Dinh Nguyen Kha, Nguyen Phuong Uyen, and others on charges of “propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under article 88 of the Criminal Code.

Before that, functional agencies searched the house of Dinh Nguyen Kha and confiscated many evidence that Kha has disseminated materials violating Vietnamese law. The investigation has proved that Kha and Uyen broke the law by distributing leaflets distorting the government’s policies on religion and land and expressing deviant views of the sea, island and mainland sovereignty of Vietnam and China. They were persuaded to act under the influence of Nguyen Thien Thanh, a member of the so-called “Patriotic Youth”, a reactionary organization hostile to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

In a hand-written confession, Nguyen Phuong Uyen described how she and Kha disseminated leaflets and conducted other activities to sabotage the Vietnamese State. October 3, Kha and Uyen surveyed the site around the An Suong flyover on National Highway No.1 in Ho Chi Minh city. Kha gave Uyen 2.5 million VND, equivalent to 120 USD to exchange into small denominations of 5,000, 10,000 and 20,000 VND. The notes then attached to the leaflets to lure passers-by to pick them up. Kha and Uyen put the notes, leaflets, and flags representing the former Sai Gon puppet regime in a box which a timing device automatically opened to spread leaflets on the road. The two took photos and video of government agents collecting the leaflets and posted these on social networks facebook and yahoo.

On August 20, following Thanh’s instructions, Uyen hung flags of the Sai Gon regime at many places along National Highway 28 in Binh Thuan province, along with anti-Party slogans written in blood on white cloths. She then photographed these spots and sent the photos to Thanh so he could post them on the website Youth Patriotic.

When she was arrested, Uyen expressed regret and admitted her guil. She wrote that she understood that what she did violated Vietnamese law and was against the Communist Party of Vietnam. Uyen said we got involved in this matter because she had financial difficulties. She wanted Thanh to give her a laptop, cell phone, and money for her school fee. Uyen expressed her hope that the Party and State will grant her leniency and a light sentence so she can resume studying, redeem her mistakes, and become a useful citizen.

The investigation police brought to light the crimes of student Nguyen Phuong Uyen. Her materialistic views and lifestyle pushed her into mistakes and now she has to take legal responsibility for her behavior.

Several associations and organizations of overseas Vietnamese have exploited this case, falsified evidence, and posted on the internet petitions addressed to the President and letters from intellectuals supporting Nguyen Phuong Uyen. The police determined that a list of 109 students at the Ho Chi Minh’s city University of Food Industry who signed a letter asking the President to pardon Uyen was hoax.

Nguyen Thi Kim Thu, one of Uyen’s classmates, said she and Uyen are close friends, but she was surprised to learn of Uyen’s actions and that hers was supposedly one of the signatures on the letter asking the President to pardon Uyen. She said she and her classmates knew nothing about the petition.

Nguyen Phuong Uyen’s case derived from a dim view of politics and patriotism, but it has harmed the real patriotism of every Vietnamese.

Thu Hoa

