Iraq starts rebuilding military

Iraq starts rebuilding military

(VOVworld) - Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi said Tuesday that the Iraqi military has started rebuilding after its near total collapse last summer
A1 Hill and the former vital battle

A1 Hill and the former vital battle

(VOVworld) - A1 Hill is the most famous battle of Dien Bien Phu site. The hill is 32 meters high, 82 thousand square meters large and 500 meters west of the headquarters...
The world praises General Vo Nguyen Giap

The world praises General Vo Nguyen Giap

(VOVworld) – General Vo Nguyen Giap, a talented general of Vietnam, is also a world renowned general and respected by his adversaries. Many foreign scholars have appreciated his outstanding military capacity...
 Autumn in historic Ba Dinh square

Autumn in historic Ba Dinh square

(VOVworld) - If Hanoi is considered the heart of the nation, Ba Dinh square is its heart. Since the autumn of 1945, the square has witnessed various historic events. We now tell...
Syrian ceasefire ineffective says UN

Syrian ceasefire ineffective says UN

The UN has accused both the Syrian government and the opposition for violating the cease-fire brokered by international envoy Kofi Annan. Herve Ladsous, UN under secretary general for peacekeeping...