Doosan Vina exports 12 giant modules to UAE

Doosan Vina exports 12 giant modules to UAE

(VOVWORLD) - The Doosan Heavy Industries Vietnam Company (Doosan Vina) shipped 12 modules weighing more than 1.7 tons in total to the Ruwais oil refinery of the United Arab Emirates...
UAE withdraws WTO complaint over Qatar

UAE withdraws WTO complaint over Qatar

(VOVWORLD) - The United Arab Emirates withdrew on Thursday a complaint it made to the World Trade Organization accusing Qatar of imposing discriminatory trade restrictions on its goods
EU expands involvement in Middle East

EU expands involvement in Middle East

(VOVWORLD) - The EU's diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini said Sunday the bloc is increasing its engagement in the Middle East as she opened a new mission in Kuwait City
Vietnam might enter expanded World Cup

Vietnam might enter expanded World Cup

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam might have a chance to enter the World Cup if FIFA expands the 2022 World Cup in Quatar to 48, says the Vietnam Football Federation(VFF)
Pope arrives in UAE for historic Gulf visit

Pope arrives in UAE for historic Gulf visit

(VOVWORLD) - Pope Francis on Sunday became the first pontiff to set foot on the Arabian Peninsula. Pope Francis was greeted by Abu Dhabi's powerful crown prince, Sheikh Mohammed bin...