​Unique clothes of the Pa Di

​Unique clothes of the Pa Di

(VOVWORLD) - Pa Di is a branch of the Tay ethnic group in the northern province of Lao Cai. There are about 2,000 Pa Di people living mainly in the high...
English Bowler Hat

English Bowler Hat

(VOVWORLD) - A bowler hat is a must-have accessory for vintage fashionistas. The image of comedian Charles Chaplin in a vintage suit, a baton in hand, and a bowler hat, has been considered...
Moc Chau plateau, a refreshing retreat

Moc Chau plateau, a refreshing retreat

(VOVWORLD) - Moc Chau national tourist site in Son La province is a popular destination in Vietnam’s northern mountain region. Visitors are treated to vast green vistas, pure fresh air, strawberry gardens,...
Rattan papooses of the Ede

Rattan papooses of the Ede

(VOVWORLD) - The papoose is a popular accessory of Ede women wherever they go. They carry food, farm produce and wood to or from the fields or the market. H Xiu...
Love in Pieu scarf of Thai women

Love in Pieu scarf of Thai women

(VOVWORLD) - The ethnic Black Thai of Vietnam’s northwestern region value the Pieu scarf as a symbol of love and an important clothing accessory for women. All Black Thai women...
Shoulder bamboo basket of Thai women

Shoulder bamboo basket of Thai women

(VOVWORLD) - Thai women in Vietnam’s northwest region always wear shoulder bamboo baskets when they work in terraced fields or go to the forest to pick vegetables and fruit. A...
Papoose of the K’ho

Papoose of the K’ho

(VOVworld) – The papoose is an indispensable item in the daily life of the K’ho and ethnic groups in the central highlands. VOV introduces the craft of weaving papoose...
Hanbok, the traditional costume of Koreans

Hanbok, the traditional costume of Koreans

(VOVworld) - The Koreans love their traditional costume Hanbok just as the Vietnamese love Ao Dai. Hanbok appears at weddings, funerals, folk festivals, special anniversaries and many other Korean events. The term Hanbok means "Korean clothing". One...