Public comments on National Assembly Q and A session

(VOVworld)-Voters nationwide are closely following developments in the National Assembly Q and A session which is broadcast live on TV and radio. Many agreed on answers by some ministers while others are...
Revising Anti-Corruption law to suit reality

Revising Anti-Corruption law to suit reality

(VOVworld) - Anti-corruption and the revised Law on Anti-Corruption are major items on the agenda of the on-going NA 4th session. NA deputies and the public hope that the revised...
Further prevent corruption and wastefulness

Further prevent corruption and wastefulness

(VOVworld) – The 5th plenary session of the Party Central Committee put forward 6 major solutions to continue to implement the Resolution of the 3rd plenum of the 10th Party Central...
NA deputies discuss draft law on pricing

NA deputies discuss draft law on pricing

(VOVworld) – The National Assembly’s deputies on Monday, discussed a project to renovate and improve the efficiency of the NA’s operations, and next year’s legislative program
An outdated embargo

An outdated embargo

(VOVworld) February 7th marks 50 years of the US embargo policy against Cuba. After 9 US Presidents’ terms of office, the embargo appears increasingly absurd and outdated, representing the...