World Bank resumes three projects in Afghanistan

World Bank resumes three projects in Afghanistan

(VOVWORLD) -The World Bank (WB) has decided to resume three projects on health, agriculture and livelihoods in Afghanistan, but will continue to suspend 150 million USD in funding for education...
WB: Afghanistan’s economic collapse can be avoided

WB: Afghanistan’s economic collapse can be avoided

(VOVWORLD) - The World Bank said that Afghanistan can avoid an economic collapse if it receives additional international assistance and the interim Taliban administration adheres to basic standards for the treatment of women...
UN chief stresses diplomacy for the Ukraine crisis

UN chief stresses diplomacy for the Ukraine crisis

(VOVWORLD) - Addressing world leaders at the 58th Munich Security Conference (MSC) on Friday, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that it was high time to “seriously de-escalate”...
Putin, Biden to hold online meeting on Tuesday

Putin, Biden to hold online meeting on Tuesday

(VOVWORLD) -Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden will have a videoconference on Tuesday, RIA Novosti news agency reported Saturday, citing Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. According to Peskov,...