US releases 2022 National Defense Strategy

US releases 2022 National Defense Strategy

(VOVWORLD) - The Biden administration on Thursday laid out a new national defense strategy aimed at China, which it views as America’s most consequential strategic competitor, and Russia, an “acute...
Veteran tiger tamer at HCM city’s zoo

Veteran tiger tamer at HCM city’s zoo

(VOVWORLD) - The Tiger is one of Vietnam’s 12 zodiac animals. Tigers are widely considered a symbol of vitality, courage, majesty, and power. Taking care of and raising real tigers at a zoo...
ASEAN maintains unity in response to challenges

ASEAN maintains unity in response to challenges

(VOVWORLD) - 2021 was another year of difficulties for ASEAN, including negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and fierce geopolitical competition among world powers. ASEAN has maintained unity, promoted the ASEAN...