China, India agree to defuse border tensions

China, India agree to defuse border tensions

(VOVWORLD) - India and China will ease tensions and avoid escalation along their disputed Himalayan border, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishanka agreed during a phone...
Tense US-Iran relations

Tense US-Iran relations

(VOVWORLD) - Increasing tensions between the US and Iran over the past few days have caused deep concern internationally, but they’re unlikely to lead to a military confrontation
Let’s save energy

Let’s save energy

(VOVWORLD) - Since it was launched 13 years ago, the “Earth hour” campaign has become an annual event encouraging the community to turn off electrical devices to save energy and protect the...
Vietnam’s health care acknowledged

Vietnam’s health care acknowledged

(VOVWORLD) - One of the UN Millennium Development Goals is ensuring health care and protecting people against dangerous epidemics. Vietnam and other countries around the world are taking aggressive measures to cope...